Wetstraat (2023.A.017)

Dismantling and demolition and asbestos removal works
Year of Completion

Aclagro is carrying out the dismantling and demolition works of a former campus of the VUB in the heart of Brussels. The site is located between Rue Joseph II and Rue de la Loi, along Rue de Tweekerken in Brussels. The main building along Rue Joseph II has been completely stripped down to its supporting structure, with the top floor also completely demolished. Along Tweekerkenstraat and in the courtyard, all the buildings were completely demolished, including the two underground parking floors. One of the difficulties in the project was the level difference of two full floors between the rue de la Loi and rue Joseph II.

During the preparation period of this project, we also visited the site with various parties in the context of recovery/reuse of various materials. Some asbestos applications were also found and removed, namely: asbestos cement around pipes & ducts, soft plates, flange gasket, insulation plates on the inside of the elevator doors and brake shoes.

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