Langebruggekaai, OVAM (2014.S.012)

Estimated Value
€ 1.426.585,72
Year of Completion

This project involved an official soil reMediation effort through the installation of a living layer on a site located at Langerbruggekaai in Ghent, to prepare the land for the establishment of a play forest.

The site exhibited historical contamination in the solid part of the soil, consisting of heavy metals, mineral oil, and non-bonded asbestos. Additionally, the groundwater contained mineral oil and BTEX contaminants. The presence of non-bonded asbestos contamination played a pivotal role in determining the approach to the project.

There was also a berm on-site comprised of contaminated soils that needed to be excavated and removed. Given the presence of loose asbestos in the soil and the location of the site in a residential zone, meticulous attention was paid to site preparation and safety measures, including a phased execution plan.

The excavation adhered to the work plan approved by FOD Waso. Both the use of necessary collective protective equipment (including periodic air monitoring, decontamination units, dust control through extensive misting, use of wheel wash, etc.) and personal protective equipment (Tyvek suits, masks, gloves, etc.) were strictly implemented during the execution of the project.

The site was first made reMediation-ready. This involved the removal and disposal of vegetation under damp conditions to prevent contamination dust from dispersing. Subsequently, the site was excavated in phases to a depth of approximately 50 cm below ground level and then backfilled with various layers to establish the living layer (20 cm crushed stone - 20 cm fill soil - 30 cm topsoil).

The contaminated material was imMediately transported away in covered hauls carried by trailers equipped with positive pressure cabins after excavation. An imMediate geoTextile and crushed stone layer were placed on the residual contamination to prevent its dispersion.

A spot contaminated with mineral oil was excavated to a depth of 4 m below ground level. Dewatering was implemented, and the water was purified before discharge into surface water. No asbestos was detected in the groundwater.

The contaminated soils were transported to the licensed AGRC center in Wondelgem for cleaning. Approximately 30,000 tons of soil were processed in total.